I used to play it ages ago. Just recently, I loaded it back into the computer and it keeps coming up an error that states: The program doesn't support Windows NT. This disc if for Windows 95 and Windows 98. Is there a way to play it again?
Answer by
Leonard Moore
Unfortunately, this is a very old game and chances that you will be able to play it on your modern computer are quite low. However, you can try to install and run it using compatibility features. To do this, go to Start and in the search bar type 'Run programs'. Open the resulted service and follow the instructions provided. If you can't run the program this way, your last chance is to use a visualization tool like VMware and emulate an older version of Windows in order to install and play the game from there.
I used to play it ages ago. Just recently, I loaded it back into the computer and it keeps coming up an error that states: The program doesn't support Windows NT. This disc if for Windows 95 and Windows 98. Is there a way to play it again?
Unfortunately, this is a very old game and chances that you will be able to play it on your modern computer are quite low. However, you can try to install and run it using compatibility features. To do this, go to Start and in the search bar type 'Run programs'. Open the resulted service and follow the instructions provided. If you can't run the program this way, your last chance is to use a visualization tool like VMware and emulate an older version of Windows in order to install and play the game from there.